EZ Clear Water

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Bottled Water or Water Filtration System?

Bottled Water or Water Filtration System?

Chlorine, Chloramines, microscopic particles, pharmaceuticals and a host of contaminates and toxins enter our homes every day through our faucets. Today it is common to see a home with under sink water filters, drinking water filters or a bottled water system to provide clean and safe water for drinking. But even the best drinking water filters leave you unprotected in the shower, washing clothing and even using your dishwasher. Without a whole house water filtration system you are not protecting the health of your family from the exposure to harmful unfiltered water.

Additionally, the quality of our air is affected by the lack of whole house water filtration! Harmful chemicals in the water such as chloramines and chlorine can release vapor into the home when the water is running and this can cause respiratory problems and trigger asthma.

Home water filters protect the entire home by filtering from the source; where the water comes into the home. The water is filtered with a broad spectrum filtration protecting you in the shower, your children in the bath, your clothing in the wash and your dishes too! The air quality is protected as well since any water that is run in your home will have been filtered first.

A few facts regarding water may help you to fully understand the importance of whole house filtration instead of simply providing bottled water.

First, one danger comes from bisphenol A or BPA in plastic water bottles which is shown to be hazardous to humans, yet is still in use. This doesn’t even include the damage to the environment of a huge number of plastic bottles that reach the land fills.

Second, the maximum safe level for chlorine set by the EPA is 4.0 mg/L for an adult; however, for children they say 3 mg/L is safe. Many treatment facilities report levels between 3.2 and 3.9 mg/L. This is barely safe for a full size adult, the smaller adults and children are left unprotected and the elderly and infants and those who are sick and need extra protection often get worse.

It is not enough to avoid drinking chlorine or chloramines. The body absorbs the chemicals and contaminates it comes in contact with like when bathing or showering. Additionally, vapors are also absorbed through the skin and inhaled in showers. All of the chemicals and contaminates then enter the bloodstream.

With this in mind, during an average shower it is a safe assumption that you can consume more chemicals and contaminates that you will by drinking it; particularly if you are a kid who loves playing in the tub for a long time. House water filters offer you the safety in the tub that the best drinking water filters or bottled water system will not.

A whole house water filtration system removes chloramines, chlorine, lead, arsenic, pharmaceuticals and other chemicals and contaminates from the water. This leaves you with safe water from any tap in your home and leaves your air clear of the pollutants that can occur from the tap.





Yes, I found the answer to taking better care of my family’s health. I know you too, will be happy with what I found: the Contamin-Eater Whole House water filtration system by Selecto, Inc., the industry leader in commercial filtration innovationand made right here in the USA. Now they’re available for your home right here at ezclearwater!

Donna Hoffman is the owner of http://www.ezClearwater.com , provider of the highest quality, earth-friendly water purification products for home, office, pool and spa. Our goal is to share products that are “Good to You and Mother Earth Too.”

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September 7, 2009 at 9:46 pm
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